Wendy began her professional career as an attorney in 1996 in Baltimore, Maryland practicing family law and later as an Assistant Attorney General for the State of Maryland specializing in child welfare and federal civil rights’ litigation. Following her family’s move to Westchester, New York in 2000, she began working for and with various not- for- profit organizations in Westchester, New York, including Habitat for Humanity, a Head Start Pre-school and the Social Action Committee of a synagogue. For the past 13 years Wendy has provided guidance to callers throughout the U.S on issues related to Medicare at the Medicare Rights Center in Manhattan. In Nantucket, Wendy has volunteered at Habitat for Humanity and the Aids Network and has been an active member of Fairwinds’ Advisory Board for the past 6
years. Wendy has been married to Simon Mikhailovich for 38 years. They have 2 daughters and 2 grandchildren all of whom live in New York City while spending as much time as possible in Nantucket.